Home News Israel-Gaza War Extremist Groups Rapidly Expanding Settlements in West Bank

Extremist Groups Rapidly Expanding Settlements in West Bank


Last autumn, an elderly Palestinian woman, Fatima Al-Khatib, recounted a harrowing incident where a settler, armed and aggressive, demanded she abandon her ancestral home in the West Bank, a place she had lived in for over half a century.

Fatima shared with a global news network that this confrontation was not an isolated event but part of a growing pattern of aggression that escalated since a nearby unauthorized settler outpost was erected in 2022. Recent analyses reveal a disturbing trend: the number of these outposts, often makeshift and lacking legal sanction under both Israeli civil law and international norms, has surged.

As of this year, there are over 200 such outposts scattered across the West Bank, with a record-breaking 35 new outposts established in the last year alone, outpacing previous years’ growth.

These outposts, ranging from simple agricultural setups to more permanent residential structures, frequently expand without clear demarcations, encroaching on Palestinian land.

Documents uncovered by investigative journalists show that funds and land for these outposts have been facilitated by entities closely linked to the Israeli administration, despite their illegal status. Investigative reports, including satellite imagery and on-the-ground testimonies, have tracked the rapid expansion of these outposts, highlighting their role in the displacement of Palestinian families through intimidation and violence. Fatima’s story is emblematic of a broader strategy where these outposts serve not only as a means to claim territory but also as centers of power that enforce a climate of fear and control over Palestinian communities.”



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